My Baby Poop Stuck What Shouod I Do

Help - DD2 desperately constipated, can meet poo buts its stuck!

(35 Posts)

babytime Lord's day 13-Jul-08 19:57:23

Feel and so sorry for her, she is in real discomfort.

I can see the poo coming out but it keeps going dorsum in.

She had tummy bug last week and has not actually pooed for two days and normally goes twice a day.

How can I aid her get this poo out.

She wont eat, Ive been encouraging drinks and just nigh to give her a warm bath to see if that helps.

Any advice would be actually appreciated.


nancy75 Sunday thirteen-Jul-08 19:58:55

might be old wives tale but a drink as warm equally possible with saccharide in information technology?
i actually find a little bit of chocolate gets my dd going when she is constipated.

PictureThis Sun 13-Jul-08 19:59:47

dramaqueen Sun 13-Jul-08 20:00:20

Put her in a hot bath, and so sit her on the loo. If she's not gone by tomorrow have her to the docs and become some meds.

nancy75 Sunday thirteen-Jul-08 20:00:23

or get her to lay on her dorsum while yous move her legs as if she is pedalling a bike

MamaG Dominicus xiii-Jul-08 20:01:13

effort endeavour Effort to get some syrup of figs into her. It works a dream.

If she's teeny tiny, try to gently "pinch" the poo through the skin to break it down (cracking job beingness a mum isn't it) - My Mum did this for my DS when he was a couple of weeks old and he managed to poo it out

PictureThis Sun 13-Jul-08 20:01:36

what i mean is is she a infant?

babytime Sun xiii-Jul-08 20:01:58

she is 2

tried all the tricks i did when she was little, legs to tummy and cycling legs.

poor dd

lalaa Sun thirteen-Jul-08 20:02:28

nobodysfool Sun 13-Jul-08 20:03:06

Massage your babe's tummy

Start at the navel and and so massage outwards in circles in a clockwise direction. Some oil or cream on your fingers tin besides help.

Only continue if your baby enjoys the massage and is comfortable and relaxed.

Move your baby'south legs in a cycling movement

Place your baby and then he or she is lying on their back. Concord their legs and plow them gently in a quick cycling motility.

This will make the breadbasket muscles move and, in turn, put gentle pressure on the intestines to make them motion.

Give your baby a bath

A warm bath can make your baby relax and so the stools are passed more hands. Once your baby has relaxed in the bathroom, yous can besides massage their stomach (run into above).

When you wash your baby's bottom, apply some cream or petroleum jelly (Vaseline) effectually the outside of the anus.

I did all the above fro my ds and it had the desired outcome.Promise things become moving presently.

babytime Sun 13-Jul-08 20:03:12

mamag - i tried getting hold of it but its perfectly rounded and would go back if i touched it.

katpotat Sunday 13-Jul-08 xx:03:32

Warm bath, breadbasket massage, bicycling her legs, how one-time is she?. Same prob with DD 14 months, Dr'southward resorted to precribing enema in the stop, traumatic but constructive shock Somethimes nosotros put her on the potty, good position to aid pooing. Hope she's better soon smile

lulumama Sun 13-Jul-08 20:03:32


lots of h2o or fruit juice

bit of vaseline to assist shine the mode out

posieflump Sun 13-Jul-08 20:04:36


lots of water

then simply leave, information technology wil come out on it's own, don't fret. Going twice a day is quite a lot, it;s fine to get once every two days, you might exist more than panicked then she is smile

PictureThis Dominicus 13-Jul-08 xx:08:32

massaging the tummy in a clockwise movement, warm sugary potable and warm bath should help

my gran would swear by vaseline on a cotton bud

yomellamoHelly Sun 13-Jul-08 20:ten:16

When ds2 struggles like this I take off his nappy when he's straining and concord his legs in to his chest. A friend of mine was told to hold her son in a sitting position when he was straining.
I also tend to give him a drinkable at the same time as the sucking activeness seems to help speed things upwardly too.

Califrau Dominicus thirteen-Jul-08 20:12:thirty

Message withdrawn at affiche'south request.

Heated Sun xiii-Jul-08 20:17:05

Very soapy bathroom or Vaseline eases the path and then to speak. Had to practise this for ds when a nb on gp advice.

babytime Sun thirteen-Jul-08 20:22:sixteen


withal no joy

gave warm bathroom but she was crying to go out.

put lots of vaselinea round her anus but did non apply a cotton bud - non sure if i could practise that - yikes!

did the lord's day and moon massge on her tummy and the paddle boat (call back from baby classes)

We have no fig syrup, fruit or fruit juice in the firm tonight. nosotros are depression on everything and had a solar day out today instead of planned food shop - typical!!!

she has never been constipated like this.

PictureThis Sun 13-Jul-08 twenty:24:18

give her iv oz absurd boiled water with one teaspoon brownish carbohydrate dissolved into information technology. this solution acts similar lactulose

babytime Sun xiii-Jul-08 20:27:fourteen

will effort that now - thanks

PictureThis Sun 13-Jul-08 twenty:28:22

dissolve the sugar while that water is still hot and then let it cool (dissolves much better this style)

nobodysfool Lord's day 13-Jul-08 20:37:56

I used to lay ds down employ a warm flannel on his anus.Just gently massaging it with slight heat helped him to relax enough to poo.

murcimari Sun thirteen-Jul-08 21:33:12

Gosh, that reminds me so much of what we went through with our DD just recently. She was in absolute agony (. The only thing that worked in the cease was glycerol suppositories - they do a children's version. I'd say within 10 minutes of "insertion" we finally had Consequence!! She was sooooo relieved!!!

Lactulose just works afterwards ii-3 days I'g afraid.

emma1977 Sun thirteen-Jul-08 21:38:46

I was as well going to suggest glycerine suppositories- they piece of work well at stimulating the rectum to expel its contents!

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